
This Old House

We live in an old house.  It was built in 1928 by my wife’s great-grandfather, a legendary United Church preacher and Member of Parliament who owned most of the block – on most of which he grew apples and roses.  He gave the house to his eldest daughter – my wife’s grandmother – a few […]

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Consumption Reduction

There’s a lot more literature around about waste reduction these days.  I suppose that’s a good thing.  It’s uniformly framed as an environmental ethic, i.e. ‘being good to the earth’.  I suppose that has to be made clear as well, that we should treat our surroundings with a little respect.  For all of its good […]

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Periphery Redux

Reading that last post in retrospect, it seems pretty damned obvious doesn’t it?  Nothing really new down there.  However, it should say something about how something so obvious actually isn’t obvious when considered from one’s normal point of view.  It’s like combustion engines that run on fossil-fuels; it’s pretty damned obvious that they’re an environmental, […]

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A Good Thing Done Right

I can’t remember who put me on to this, or if I discovered it myself, or if I heard about it on what was then CBCRadio3’s college radio-esque late night programming on Radio1 – whatever it was, I am truly thankful.  I’m talkin’ about CBCRadio3 Magazine, quite possibly one of the most beautiful multimedia amalgamations of Canadian […]

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