When Scary Dreams Attack

What gives?  I had three different scary dreams last night, all of which I remember: the first was like a well-directed horror movie where I switched in and out of an undead character who could, and did, kill with a touch of his finger (sickening, grotesque, scared me awake); the second had me fighting in a militia in a futuristic urban combat setting, and failing (very intense, not video-game fun, woke up again); the third had me aimlessly wandering in a massive institutional setting as a student trying to achieve something…  (Oddly, this was the scariest one of all!).   Not a restful night to say the least.

Then I woke to learn that K had nightmares too.  Creepy.

Then I read Angela’s blog.  What the…?

But the kids had restful, dreamless sleeps (they say), the sun rose, and the bread turned out well.  Regarde!

2 Responses to When Scary Dreams Attack

  1. Angela says:

    Well, now your counter should already be at 2 so maybe your blog will have more readers than the shirt after all. Gotta love Despair stuff, eh?

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